Post 16 Options

Not sure where to start looking at post 16 options? This website is a great place to begin., as is the D2N2 booklet which you can download here.

Looking at which 6th Form to study at?

There are many Sixth Forms locally that you can consider, remember you are the customer so make sure you investigate very carefully to find the one that best suits your needs and that you will feel comfortable attending.

You will need to think about:

  • The courses they offer
  • The methods of assessment- coursework/exam etc
  • The facilities they have to offer
  • The size of the place
  • How you are going to get there

If you want information on individual Sixth Forms and the courses they offer see links below.

Kirk Hallam Sixth Form: Home | Kirk Hallam Sixth Form (

Bilborough College: Home - Bilborough College

Derby College: Welcome - DCG : DCG (

Which subjects should you choose at A level?

Choosing which subjects to study can be quite daunting so make sure you do your research and find out as much information as you can. If you are thinking about going on to higher education (i.e. university), you need to make sure that choices that you are making now will enable you to study your chosen course at university. Talk to teachers, parents and friends – be prepared to listen to their advice. When you apply to Kirk Hallam Sixth Form you will have an individual meeting with a senior member of the college to discuss your course choices and how these link to future pathways. This will help to ensure that you make choices which will keep the maximum number of options open to you in the future.

Check the UCAS website for University entry requirements.

For more information about qualifications needed for particular jobs and careers click onto

Looking at going to college, perhaps to study other types of courses?

Check out the following websites to look for college courses and training and open day dates:

Bilborough College –

Burton South Derbyshire College –

Buxton College –

Chesterfield College –

Confetti College –

Derby College (Includes Joseph Wright, Roundhouse, Broomfield Hall and the Johnson and Hudson Buildings) –

New College, Nottingham –

Apprenticeships – vacancy search

An apprenticeship gives you hands on experience, a salary and the opportunity to gain qualifications while you work – even a degree. All of this with some high quality, prestigious companies in loads of different industries.

This section of the Gov.UK website allows you to search for apprenticeships throughout England.

You do not need an account to search but you will need to create one to apply for apprenticeships.

Apprenticeship Opportunities

Here are some very user friendly, free Online Resources that have developed to provide information for students (and their parents) about Apprenticeships.

Vacancy Snapshot – This Webpage shows Students a selection of very well-known Companies and Familiar Brands that employ Apprentices.

Live Broadcasts – A selection of bite-size videos (each about 15 minutes long) Interviewing Apprentices from different sectors to talk about their experiences.

Training Providers

As well as 6th Form, Colleges and Apprenticeships to consider, there are also many training providers who offer a range of post 16 provision including level 1, level 2 and level 3 courses. Some of these providers offer vocational learning, pre-apprenticeships, traineeships and apprenticeships:

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