Term Dates
Our term dates are confirmed at trust level and will be our definitive term dates / INSETs
Please find below the term dates and details of any INSET days for the current academic year and moving forward.
Good attendance is important. Students who regularly attend achieve better outcomes. Please do everything you can to ensure your child attends school.
Latest News
- Think, Reflect, Succeed workshop at University of Derby
Independent learning skills workshop (Personal Development - 27/01/2025) - KHCA wins Inclusion Award!
Our Inclusion strategy and bespoke offer wins a prestigious Trust award. (Personal Development - 02/12/2024) - KHCA welcomes Ofsted report
Ofsted Recognises High Expectations and Positive Impact (Personal Development - 29/11/2024) - Key Stage 3 visit to Derby Literature Festival
Students enjoyed a session with an author at Derby University. (English - 11/11/2024) - Year 11 Geographers
Visit to Skegness (Humanities - 09/10/2024)