
In March 2024 we were awarded the Gold United Against Bullying Award by the Anti Bullying Alliance. This acknowledges KHCAs approach to reducing bullying and improving the wellbeing of all children.

Only 11% of schools were awarded Gold this year which recognises our commitment to creating positive learning environments and secure and trusting relationships.


Behaviour by an individual or group, usually repeated over time, which intentionally hurts another individual or group either physically or emotionally” (DCSF, 2007).

Bullying can include:

· Physical (hitting, kicking, taking another’s belongings)

· Verbal (name calling, insulting, making offensive remarks)

· Indirect (spreading rumours, excluding from social groups, cyber bullying via sending malicious e-mails or text messages)

Bullying can be an attack on a group to which an individual may belong. At Trust schools, in accordance to the Equal Opportunities Policy, we will pay particular attention to any form of bullying involving:

· Race

· Sexual orientation

· Religion


· Disability and Special Educational Needs

· Looked After children

At Kirk Hallam Community Academy we aim to create a positive learning environment where pupils take responsibility for their own and each other’s well-being. For example;

· Curriculum opportunities in class are used to raise awareness about bullying and our anti-bullying policy, create an anti-bullying ethos and encourage pupils to manage their relationships positively with others.

· We use our Character & Civics curriculum to develop social and emotional skills such as empathy and the management of feelings, thereby providing continuity from primary to secondary education.

· Assemblies and home room time are also used to promote awareness of the negative consequences of bullying.

· We raise awareness through the Anti-Bullying week events in November each year, which provides a direct link to primary school experiences.

· The Student Council is included in the annual review and evaluation of this policy, involving wider student consultation if required.

· We aim to provide understanding and tolerance of all our differences and encourage our pupils to disown bullying in any form.

Reporting and responding to bullying

It is important that incidents of alleged bullying are reported immediately so that appropriate action can be taken by the school in supporting all parties involved. If the incident is deemed not to be bullying, it will still be considered serious and therefore dealt with under the Behaviour Policy.

Parents are encouraged to report any concerns relating to bullying to the home room teacher or achievement leader via a telephone call or email or, if required, an appointment. Should neither be available then a member of the Senior Leadership Team will act on their behalf.

Pupils who have been bullied or have witnessed others being bullied should ideally report the incident to their home room teacher or achievement lead. The allegation will be investigated in order to reach a resolution, If the home room teacher or achievement lead is not available, pupils should report to any other member of staff (teaching or non-teaching) who will take appropriate action to report the matter to relevant people.

We will provide support for scholars who have been bullied by:

· Assuring them that it was right to report the incident.

· Encouraging them to talk about how they feel.

· Ascertaining the extent of the problem by interviewing those involved and taking written statements where necessary.

· Trying to ensure that they feel safe by discussing strategies to remain so.

· Asking them to report any further incidents in order that bullying can be stopped.

· Involving friends, peer support, mediation (with pastoral support staff or other staff) and parents/ carers where appropriate.

· Considering and applying sanctions under the behaviour policy (refer to policy) We will provide support to pupils involved in bullying others by:

· Encouraging them to talk about how they feel

· Involving parents, carers and staff to ascertain what support they need, e.g. anger management, counselling.

· Using sanctions under the Behaviour Policy to impress upon the perpetrator that their behaviour is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

· Monitoring future behaviour and taking appropriate course of action.

October 2024


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