Welcome to Year 9

Year 9 Year Group Intent


As the year 9’s continue their school journey they should build upon relationships with staff and peers as well as creating new, these relationships should be based around kindness. This key aspect of the school’s culture code will allow students develop a stronger community firstly within their year group but also wider within school and within Kirk Hallam.


A confident year 9 student will have the ability to overcome challenges they may face as they enter the final year of Key Stage 3. Having the confidence to overcome any challenges will give our student the best chance to achieve. This achievement will come in many forms. The combination of achievement and confidence will develop our students character giving them the greatest chance to succeed both academically and personally.


As part of the school community shared vision ‘we are unashamedly ambitious for all our students’. Yr. 9 students have the opportunity to grow their aspirations through hard work in lesson, the options process and extra-curricular activities. This more aspirational nature will allow our students to show a strong desire and determination to succeed. This determination to succeed will help our YR.9 students become a truly kind, confident and aspirational member of the year9 community and wider school community.

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