Year 10

Our Year 10 Personal Development offer:


  • Families
  • Relationships
  • Keeping safe & happy
  • Intimate relationships
  • Online & media


  • Subject areas deliver a range of opportunities for our students to develop awareness of these ideas
  • In Religious Education we explore a range of ethical issues such as abortion, genetic engineering and racism

In assemblies we will be looking at a range of ideas such as

  • Safer internet day
  • LGBTQ+ History month
  • Holocaust Memorial Day
  • Religious festivals in March – Christian and Hindu
  • World poetry day – disability
  • Victims of slavery
  • Malaria
  • Christian religious festivals
  • Volunteering week
  • PRIDE month
  • International friendship week

British Values

The four fundamental British values (listed below) are woven into our Personal Development and key to preparing our students for Modern Britain

  • Respecting the rule of law
  • Democracy
  • Individual liberty
  • Tolerance and respect of different religions and beliefs


We look at the following ideas

  • How can citizens hold Parliament to account?
  • What is regional governance?
  • What are the different national and regional identities in the UK?
  • What are the different religious and ethnic identities in the UK?
  • Human rights
  • How can we improve society?

Development of Character

  • Our responsibility foundations are woven into our Personal Development Curriculum
  • All aspects of what we learn are linked to our responsibility foundations
  • Year groups track and record their character development linked to our responsibility foundations

Economic understanding

  • Plans for the future
  • Different tax bands and NI bands
  • Budgeting for life
  • Different types of housing
  • Student finances
  • How can public money be raised and spent?

Wider opportunities

  • Sports clubs
  • Duke of Edinburgh

Student leadership

  • Sports captains
  • Sports leaders
  • Year group forums

Well-being and mental health

We focus on the following:

  • Connect
  • Keep learning
  • Mindfulness
  • Keep active and take notice

July 2024


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