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Year 8 Storyteller Workshop

In early September, Nicky Rafferty, local storyteller, visited KHCA to run a workshop with year 8 students. The sessions were a great success. All students were spellbound as Nicky told them a story based on their requested genres- most students requested horror or crime!

As the workshop progressed, the students worked on creating stories of their own based either on an object or on a personal memory. The session ended with all students sharing their stories with the rest of the group. It was so nice to see all of the students build up their confidence to the point where they were able to speak in front of 20+ of their peers; they listened to each other and asked questions.

One student described it as 'the best English lesson ever' and all of the students said they found it helpful for their creative writing in their lessons and that they loved the creative nature of the workshop. Many also said that it had encouraged them to use the library more and that they were looking forward to using the space in the future.

July 2024


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