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World Book Day 2024

Today is World Book Day and students at Kirk Hallam Community Academy have been getting involved in all sorts of activities to promote reading for pleasure and to encourage discussions about books. There was a book hunt, a character hunt, a timeline shuffle, and a bookmark competition– and loads of prizes to be won.

Staff have dressed up as book characters which has given rise to lots of conversations about the books students don’t know, as well as those they do.

Nicolle Ndweni was our special guest and spent the morning with students in Yrs 7,8,& 9 in the library sharing her story and the challenges she has overcome to get to this point in her life. Her talk was inspirational and we really look forward to working with Nicolle again.

All students will have received their World Book Day token which they can redeem at a range of places including Tesco, Waterstones, and The Works.

In the library we have tried to incorporate International Women’s Day (tomorrow) and National Science Week in the activities in the library. There are activities about ‘time’, digestion, and the solar system as well as a writing competition.

Thanks to everyone who has helped put the day together, especially the Reading Ambassadors!

Well done to Miss Royal and Mrs Garvey who organised the days event too.

We are looking forward to next year already…

One student said ‘they were so excited to do the book hunt’.

Another commented that it felt ‘really good to be involved in something special in school’.

One student saw that today had been a day of ‘inclusion for everyone’.

Another felt that it had been an ‘outstanding opportunity for students to see new books.

February 2025


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