Key Stage 3
Design Technology
Key stage 3
Our vision for Design & Technology at Kirk Hallam Community Academy is an inspiring, rigorous curriculum centred around the teaching and learning of knowledge and practical competencies. Wherever possible, students address ‘real life’ design problems derived from contextual challenges.
At Key Stage 3, we operate a carousel system whereby students spend each term covering a particular subject area with specialist staff. Students experience the full range of Design & Technology material areas using dedicated equipment and rooms with subject specialists who are expert in the subject.
The Design & Technology curriculum is collaboratively and coherently planned and sequenced across Years 7- 9 to ensure that students build on all aspects of prior learning and stretches and challenges all pupils regardless of starting point. As students progress through Key Stage 3, they are given the opportunity to focus on specific areas of the subject such as Resistant Materials, Food Technology, Engineering, Electronics, Textiles and Graphics. All students work in mixed ability groups in Years 7-9 and staff plan and deliver lessons for all students.
Year 7
Unit 1: Electronics (colour changing light box)
The students learn how to use the soldering iron and the associated components to create a circuit. Students learn how the different components work together to create a working circuit. The students design and make a housing for the colour changing light box to meet the needs of a specific target audience. The students will use CAD/CAM to support their final design.
Unit 2: Graphics (perspective drawings)
The students learn how to convert 2D geometric shapes in 3D shapes using different drawings techniques. The students focus on perspective drawings, rendering and shading to create their drawings. The students will learn how to use CAD software to create 2D and 3D shapes.
Unit 3: Resistant materials (mobile phone holder)
The students learn how to use the hand tools in the workshop. They learn how to use timber and manufactured board to create a product for a specific need. The students learn about workshop health and safety rules and how and why these must be followed.
Unit 4: Textiles (hand puppet)
The students learn basic textile techniques using hand sewing techniques. The students design and create a hand puppet based on their identified target audience. Students will also learn about sustainability without the textile industry and how this can have an impact on our planet.
Unit 5: Food Technology (basic food preparation skills)
The students learn how to prepare different food for cooking using different methods of cutting (bridge and claw). The students learn about kitchen health and safety rules and how and why these must be followed. Students will learn about healthy eating through the Eatwell Guide and be able to understand macronutrients in more detail. Students will carry out practical evaluations for each recipe to reflect on skills learnt.
Year 8
Unit 1: Electronics (torch project)
The students learn how to use the soldering iron and the associated components to create a circuit. Students learn how the different components work together to create a working circuit. The students design and make a housing for a torch to meet the needs of a specific target audience. The students will use CAD/CAM to support their final design.
Unit 2: Graphics (orthographic and isometric drawings)
The students learn how to convert more complex 2D shapes in 3D shapes using different drawings techniques. The students focus on isometric and orthographic drawing techniques to create their drawings. The students use shading and rendering techniques taught in Year 7 to enhance their drawings. The students will learn how to use CAD software to create 2D and 3D shapes.
Unit 3: Resistant materials (biomimicry)
The students learn how to use the hand tools in the workshop. They learn how to use casting techniques to create a product based on a specific target audience. The students learn how to use finishing techniques to create a high-quality product. The students learn about workshop health and safety rules and how and why these must be followed.
Unit 4: Textiles (cushion)
The students learn how to use the sewing machine combined with the hand sewing skills taught in year 7 to create a textile-based product for a specific need. The students use different techniques to colour the fabric to meet the needs of their target audience.
Unit 5: Food Technology
Students will build on skills from year 7 and make more challenging recipes. Students will start to understand allergies and key food commodities that will help towards their food practical sessions. Students will recap the Eatwell guide and be able to use this to make food choices in their practical's. Students will also use a variety of equipment to understand more about food safety and cross contamination. Students will carry out practical evaluations for each recipe to reflect on skills learnt.
Year 9
Unit 1: Engineering (mechanical toy)
The students learn how to use cams and levers to create a mechanical toy for an identified target audience. They will use the hand and machine tools to create their final design. The product will showcase practical skills and their understanding of mechanisms. The students will use CAD/CAM to support their final design.
Unit 2: Graphics (pop-up book)
The students will learn advanced graphics skills to create a ‘pop-up’ book for an identified target audience. The students will design and make a product that will showcase their graphics skills and understanding of levers and mechanisms.
Unit 3: Resistant materials (wooden box)
The students will design and make a wooden box using different wood joints on each corner. The students will use hand tools to mark out and cut the joints to produce a high-quality finished product. The students will also use CAD/CAM skills to decorate their final product.
Unit 4: Food Technology
The students will make ambitious recipes in their practical sessions to build on skills learnt in Year 7 & 8. They will recap the Eatwell Guide and start to understand micronutrients and how activity levels can influence lifestyles and healthy eating. Students will carry out practical evaluations for each recipe to reflect on skills learnt.
Unit 5: Bug Hotel
More information to follow.
Design & Technology News
- Royal Navy Food Tech Practical
A cooking session with members of our Armed Forces. (27/02/2024)