Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Who can help?
Led by Mandy Weatherall, SENCo (responsible for co-ordinating the provision for all pupils with additional learning needs) the Learning Support Department is a team of staff (see Staff List) who specialise in helping and supporting staff and students where required.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the academy.
How do we find out who has Special Needs?
We are provided with detailed information from the Primary Schools which helps us to identify all students with additional needs. We are also aware that children have emerging and changing needs and recognise that students might be referred in a variety of ways, for example:
Parents may contact school with a concern
Students may contact a member of staff
A tutor or subject teacher may contact Learning Support staff
The school nurse or other external specialist may contact the school
Head of Year may refer
How do we decide what support is needed?
Information from parents/carers
Discussion with the child where appropriate
Observation of the child in the classroom
Information from teachers and other staff
Year 7 cognitive screening on entry (Reading tests, CAT tests, etc)
Information provided by primary schools including history of intervention, outside professionals involved and SAT outcomes
Diagnostic tests for more specific needs such as Dyslexia or Dyscalculia
Students work
Specialist advice from the other professionals such as the child’s GP, Educational Psychology Services, counselling services, Behaviour Support Services, Autism Outreach, SENDIASS, Derbyshire Autism, Paediatricians, Clinical Psychologists and a number of charitable organisations.
This is not an exhaustive list, we would of course seek the most appropriate support available to us in order to remove any barrier to learning.
How do we support pupils?
It is our policy to ensure that all students are included in the learning community at KHCA. Support is given to students in many ways:
- Adaptive Teaching: By adapting the style of teaching and using different resources and strategies.
- In Class Support: Learning Support Assistants support students in lessons.
- Targeted Literacy & Numeracy Intervention: Pupils engage in structured programmes working max 1:5.
- Assessment: The SENCo can help prepare and carry out assessment to ensure the most appropriate access arrangements are made to provide equal access to tests, assessments and exams. This includes providing readers, scribes, laptops or alternative rooming or a combinations to meet the needs of the individual.
- Wellbeing Lunch Club.
- Homework support – Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday 3.05 – 3.35pm.
- Support for field work when required.
- Planning for transition.
- Key Stage Two to Key Stage Three – Miss Weatherall and Mrs Howorth visit children in their familiar settings, gather information and welcome the children into Kirk Hallam for additional visits where required.
- Key Stage Three to Key Stage Four – additional support where required when making GCSE option choices.
- Key Stage Four to Key Stage Five/Post 16 – Preparing for Adulthood and ensuring support is provided to enable the young person to secure the most appropriate Post 16 options.
What do I do if I think my child has ADHD and/or Autism?
The National Autistic Society My child is different at school to how they are at home
Coke Bottle Effect Video (push forward to 4m 6s)
If you are concerned your child has a neurodevelopmental condition such as ADHD or Autism please contact the SENCo in the first instance to discuss further how we may support you and your child.
You can then, either, visit your GP and they can make a referral for you or you can complete the two forms marked ***in red*** and supply them to the SENCo either by email or paper copy.
Please do not send them off directly, they will be rejected.
In Derbyshire, we refer via the Single Point of Access service.
Single Point of Access – Referring via the Neurodevelopmental Pathway
(referrals can only be made by GP or school, unfortunately they do not accept referrals directly from parents/carers).
Single Point of Access Information Guide
***Parent Concerns NDP form ***
***Vanderbilt Questionnaire***
Guide to the Teams involved in the Neurodevelopmental Pathway process
Neurodevelopmental Pathway Journey Plan
What happens if my child needs more support?
If a child has needs that require additional funding to access resource to support their education it may be necessary to apply for Inclusion Pathway Funding or an EHCP.
More detail about what this is and how to apply can be found by clicking on the links below
Guidance on applying for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP)
Please contact Mandy Weatherall if you wish to discuss further.
SENDIASS - Visit Helpline: 01629 533668 Monday to Friday from 9:30am to 3pm.
Special Needs Jungle - offering support, providing resources, training and information for parents and carers of children and young people with special needs and disabilities. Visit
ChildLine – For children and young people – support is offered confidentially. Visit Helpline: 0800 1111
Parentline Plus - a service offering advice and links for parents Helpline 0808 8002222
How do we let parents know about a child’s progress?
We consider a close partnership between the school and home to be essential to ensure each child’s success. As a minimum, parents/carers have the opportunity to meet subject teachers and tutors once a year.
Parents also receive progress checks throughout the year which show what progress their child is making and any areas of concern, either in attainment or in attitude to learning.
Parent/carer evenings are held where you can discuss our child’s progress with the teacher.
You can speak to your child’s teacher at the end of the school day, or make an appointment for a longer meeting.
You can make an appointment to meet the SENCO and/or class teacher via the school office.
SEND children and parents/carers will have termly meetings with the class teacher to review and amend Student Support Plans.
How will I be involved in discussions about planning for my child?
All parents/carers are encouraged to support their child’s education.
In order to achieve this, the school provides opportunities to meet:
- Discussion with class teacher
- Parent/Carer evenings
- Termly Student Support Plan review meetings.
What do I do if I feel that my child’s needs are not being met?
We value close relationships between home and school and therefore are always available, by appointment or at Review Meetings, to discuss any issues arising. If, however there any problems that we cannot easily solve, the school has a complaints procedure as set out in the school prospectus.